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Same-day trusted medical letters & certificates

Get a medical certificate from a private NHS doctor today without the hassle of waiting for a GP appointment.

Same-day trusted
medical letters & certificates

Get a medical certificate from a private NHS doctor today without the hassle of waiting for a GP appointment. Quick, affordable, and verified by thousands of five-star reviews

Quick, affordable, and verified by thousands of five-star reviews

Popular products

The fastest and most convenient way to get a medical letter from trusted GPs

Same-day service (9am – 9pm)

NHS & GMC registered doctors

No appointment required

Same-day service (9am – 9pm)

NHS & GMC registered doctors

No appointment required

Young lady with backpack travelling with inset of a certificate on a mobile phone

Perfect for travelling the world for work, study or pleasure

  • Visa medical certificates for work or long stays abroad
  • Prove you are fit to travel after illness or during pregnancy
  • Illness confirmation for travel and holiday cancellation

The leading online medical letter provider

“Super fast and easy to get a medical certificate for my French work visa, 5 stars after having been rejected by my local doctors surgery.”

Every patient is thoroughly assessed online by one of our experienced UK doctors

  • Founded and led by experienced GP, Dr Kenny Livingstone
  • Our team of doctors are NHS and GMC registered
  • Governed by a strict medical and ethical code of practice
experienced UK Doctors

Some of our trusted partners

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